Saturday, April 13, 2013

Big News: I'm Moving!

I'm moving to Taiwan come end of June, 2013. I hope I can continue to do weddings in Taiwan, it will be a new adventure for sure. For anyone wanting to squeeze me in for their wedding this summer, I'd love to do...just let me know...soon!

Summer Weddings

I've had a wonderful time this last year filming three beautiful weddings!

Phi and Bao
Bao and Phi: The Wedding from Enge Chen on Vimeo.

Stephanie and Brad
Brad and Stephanie The Wedding from Enge Chen on Vimeo.

Mia and Joseph
Joseph and Mia: The Wedding (English Subtitles) from Enge Chen on Vimeo.

With everything passing in such a blur and excitement, I'm really grateful to be apart of these moments. It may sound silly, but sometimes I cry as I edit these videos. Haha! Good luck to all these good people.